Thursday, February 17, 2011

Email to MCMC : Miss D Berjaya Dihasut !!!

Base on previous entry, punyalah nak menyibuk, tak fasal-fasal saya jadi PA, draf email untuk Miss.D, yang lawaknya lepas Miss.D baca draf tu , Miss.D nak forward kat saya tapi tersalah forward and terus hantar ke MCMC

Tiba tiba Miss.D datang pada saya, terkejut "Kenapa akak yang hantar email tapi MCMC auto-reply pada email saya?" refer pada email auto-reply bagitau email Miss.D dah diterima. 

"Hah? Email? akak tak hantar email pun!email awak pun akak tak dapat lagi"

"Eh, macam mana pula ada email ni?" Miss D tunjuk email yang diterima.

"Awak salah hantar kot!"

"Cakap betul-betul kak, malu saya kat diorang!(refer pada MCMC) Dahla ada email forward kita" Miss.D dah yakin dia bersalah!

'Email forward kita'?? Haha, kali ni saya pula yang malu ; -

From: **Miss.D** [**Miss.D**]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 3:26 PM
To: Aduan SKMM
Subject: Fwd:
I encounter several issues regards security & telecommunication. Just need some advice from your side to clarify this issues.

They was a person who keep threaten me using my mobile phone, she keep called and smses me using a very nuddy /rude/impolite words, she also getting all my private personal data such as ic number, my address, my school, university and all such info.

Lately, she become really annoying, and keep on comment without a proper words about my personal photo via my social network account. 

By last week , my social network account (facebook) has been hacked, i had report to facebook's admin but until now there was no action taken and at the same time my facebook still active with unauthorised owner, since i couldn't go thru the page using my own password. It seem like that account is currently used and managed by the person that i suspect. She also did a same thing to my friend account that very closed to me. It also impact my friend and my email address which is link to our facebook account.

Refer to my knowledge regarding this issues, i found several thing related with this issues ;-
211. (1) No content applications service provider, or other person
using a content applications service, shall provide content which
is indecent, obscene, false, menacing, or offensive in character
with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person.
233. (1) A person who—
(a) by means of any network facilities or network service or
applications service knowingly—
(i) makes, creates or solicits; and
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion or other communication
which is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive
in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or
harass another person; or
(b) initiates a communication using any applications service,
whether continuously, repeatedly or otherwise, during
which communication may or may not ensue, with or
without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy,
abuse, threaten or harass any person at any number or
electronic address,commits an offence.
234. (1) A person who, without lawful authority under this Act
or any other written law—
(a) intercepts,  attempts to intercept,  or procures any
other person to intercept or attempt to intercept, any
(b) discloses, or attempts to disclose, to any other person the
contents of any communications, knowing or having reason
to believe that the information was obtained through the
interception of any communications in contravention of
this section; or
(c) uses, or attempts to use, the contents of any communications,
knowing or  having reason to bel ieve that  the information was obtained through the interception of
any communications in contravention of this section,commits an offence.
I doesnt meant to take any law action to this person for the time being, i just want to know my right and advice from your side regarding this issues.

May i compile an act which is related to this issues and forward to her? Is it considered im threaten her? Can i been charged if i do the same thing as she did to me before? 

Your feedback is really appreciated. Thank You.

Best Regards,

**Miss D**

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